Today Jesse and I made the early trip to CHKD for her CT Scan. We left here at 5am (yeah! no really I mean that… traffic through both tunnels is sooooo much better.)
We arrived at CHKD by 6:15 am for her 6:30 am appointment. She slept through all of admitting, and woke up when we got back to the Sedation Unit. Around 7:15am, they had all the paper work completed. The doctor came in and asked why she needed sedation. The doctor was very nice and Jesse for some strange reason being pretty calm. I didn’t tell her that I thought Jesse might bolt. And the doctor told me that next time we should really try a CT Scan without sedation. Works for me if she’ll hold still.
Jesse walked back to the CT Scan room with the doughnut scan machine. When she saw the machine she started whining, but I told her that it was like going through the tunnels to get to CHKD. I stuck my hand through the machine and told her it just was going to take a picture. Jess accepted this and asked to lay on the table. She was very comfortable on the table.
The sedation nurse gave her the fast acting sedative, and in a few minutes Jesse was acting like she’d been at the bar and reached her limit. She was looking for me, but with the way her eyes were flicking I wonder if she really saw me.
She was done in about 15 minutes, and we left Radiology at 7:30am to go upstairs for a levels check.
Her levels ended up being 25,000 for her ANC ( that’s a little on the high side and might be causing her to have some bone and joint discomfort… but she has not said anything… just seems a little slower). Our doctor asked us to stop giving her the neupogen shot. Yeah! I actually gave it to myself the other day when I was trying to give it to her.
Her doctor was laughing about how Jesse was very loving, but she would zone out for a few seconds every now and then. The only thing I can figure is the sedative caused it.
The CT Scan wasn’t ready this morning. In addition to her oncology doctor looking at it and the radiologist, a panel of surgeons will be looking at it to see what they can do surgically, if anything. It’ll probably Tuesday before we know whether or not Jesse is having surgery. I am actually praying that the CT Scan shows the chemo was super effective. I am also praying that the machine was working correctly too.
We left at around 11am and Jesse slept most of the way home.
If you are here in Williamsburg ( or nearby) don’t miss the chocolate chariot race in New Town at 11am on February 26, 2011! Come out and cheer our chariot on 🙂
Will be praying for awesome results with the Ct scan!! And good luck tomorrow too! 🙂