Day 30 at St Jude

I have spent most of the day fighting with my internet access in between all the important things that I should be doing instead. Crossing my fingers that maybe, just maybe I have it fixed tonight. And I don’t. I keep seeing a great signal, but the internet connection from my computer says limited access and no network.

No sign of a resident this morning. Woo-hoo!!

At 9am, chemo started. By 10 am Jesse was on the antibody. Instead of morphine, Jesse got dilauded. What a difference. She didn’t have to push the button until the last hour of the treatment. And even then, Jesse wasn’t in as much pain as yesterday.

The doctors were blown away when they all stopped by to see her. And Jesse stayed awake the entire time. She has played with play dough, gone to the mail room, and eaten today. Only once did she complain of an upset stomach. She even got to talk with her sister and friends by face time tonight.

Mike had visits with the donation clinic and EKG today. Then he took my car to be fixed. Turns out the battery in the car was the wrong battery. So glad that was an easy fix.

Thank you Allison for the books. Thank you Mike, Gina, Lindsay, and Ashley for the books, crayons, coloring books, ponies. Thank you Mike, Cindy, and Biscuit for the treats. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you Mrs Doherty’s class for the snow flakes and snowmen. Thank you Mom for the dolls, books, and cookies. Thank you Pete and Melinda for the card. Thank you Jackson family for the bear and scarf.

Thank you Betty for the card and money. Thank you Irene, Dr. Coffield, Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Jerry, Ray and Linda, Jim and Terri, and Bob and Gerry for the cards.

Thank you Calvin and Caleb for the wand and notes. Jesse was really excited to get a note from a classmate.

Thank you Henry for your drawing. Jesse loved it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you Hooker family for your cards from your church and the package.

I apologize if I have missed anything. Jesse beats me to opening things… and sometimes I don’t get a chance to see everything in the packages before they are strewn all over the place as she plays with them.

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  1. I am so happy that Henry’s letter made it to you ๐Ÿ™‚ And so glad to hear that Jesse had a better day with the different pain medicine!

  2. Know Jesse has a long way to go but at least she had a good day.YAY!!! All you can do is take it hour by hour. Day by day. Praying for you n your family everyday:)

  3. We love you Jesse, hang in there and keep being a BRAVE girl!!!, we love your Mommy, Dad & Chris too!!!.

  4. So happy Jesse had a good day in spite of the drugs she has to endure. So happy for you too, because that means you also had a better day… Continuously praying for you all.

  5. Hey Soosan, you are doing great, you a an amazing woman and mother. I hope you got some power on that connection so you can find some fun stuff to laugh at.
    Say hi to Jesse, I know she don’t know me, but tell her that my sons love to look at these very odd, rare and weird animals:
    – sometimes you need to stop the video coz u don’t believe what you see ๐Ÿ™‚
    Take care both of you
    Hugs and kisses
    Lise & family

  6. You are welcome and the great news you can do some follow up so breath grasshopper as the old Kung fu guy use to say. Dating myself ALOT. We love being on Team Jesse/mom and Hall family support, prayer and love bus. Go Jesse

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