Last night near the end of round 2, Jesse began running a fever. Fever is freaky on its own… But fever in Jesse with the CVL makes me more nervous.
And even with a fever of 101.5 that little kid played until 11pm. She blew bubbles, painted, and pretended with her Teddy bear.
The night was luckily uneventful. We had to draw a culture to make sure there was no bacteria in her CVL. Our nurse in PICU was fantastic. She happily let me make suggestions of how I like to change her cap.
The only difference was I requested she clean around the place where the blue cap connects to the CVL opening. That step isn’t hospital policy, but they do it in oncology to clean away any bacteria hiding around that joint. It makes me feel better to do that 🙂
Mike called to say that a lightening strike hit so close to the house it knocked our family portrait off the mantle shattering the glass. As much as I miss Roxie, our German Shepherd, I’m glad she missed that storm.
Jesse woke around 8am. The first thing she said was “I miss my Sissy!” we called Chris. And this time Chris was the one consoling Jesse. Telling her that she’d see us soon. Before today it has usually been Jesse reassuring Chris.
After talking to her and their little buddy Landan, Jesse asked for a milkshake (strawberry pedisure… She is living off that right now) and to blow bubbles. The bubbles have been a great help in keeping her respitory rate around 20. She was dipping to 10 on Tuesday.
Then our friend from child life came to visit. They painted until Jesse dumped yellow paint all over herself. Her doctor was examining her at the time.
Poor guy. When he came through the door Jesse told him he had the wrong shirt on and he needs to wear blue. I am really hoping he doesn’t cave to her tomorrow. Our nurse administrating the antibody told me she told him he needed to wear pink tomorrow.
Jesse stayed up until 3:30pm. I noticed that our nurse was also caring for another kid too. I guess they figured since I could help with her and we had nurses from 8b in and out, they could utilize him for two patients. I’m fine with this because I can do a lot for Jesse and don’t mind. Plus I think that her nurse Monday and Tuesday was bored because we are very uneventful. Yes!
Our clinic nurse and one of the chaplains from Williamsburg stopped by to see us. It was great to see them, and I’m sorry they missed Jesse being awake.
Jesse slept until 10pm. She has been up playing with play dough, laughing as she popped my bubbles, and now watching Bubble Guppies. She was even able to talk with our nurse from 8b who came down to take down the antibody.
I think we are throwing our nurse off tonight. And making the poor guy feel useless. He’s not… I just don’t see a reason to bug him when I can take care of it.
Her temp is still high: 100.4 even after the Tylenol. And we have drawn cultures again. The cultures from this morning are still cooking. Initially there are no signs of bacteria. It will take 48 hours to fully determine if she has a bacteria, but it is really good that she didn’t have any initially.
I have adjusted to living in here. The chaplain mentioned the lack of windows, but this will totally make me appreciate when we do have windows. The lack of a toliet and shower is inconvenient, but the nurses are very nice about letting me back in and setting up one of the sleep rooms so I can shower if I wake up in time… Might go do that now…
Much better 🙂 They had me sharing the room with another mother, luckily she wasn’t in there trying to sleep. I wouldn’t have gone because I don’t want to wake her up.