Day 82
Jesse and I were so excited that we both woke up at 5am on Friday morning. Before we could leave, we had to go over to St Jude to have labs drawn. And I needed to get the tickets. Jesse was begging to head to the airport even before we left for her labs.
The isolation nurse took us to room 10 of the isolation area. At 8, a nurse came to draw 3 vials of blood. She asked what else we had to do after seeing her. I explained that I needed to pick up our tickets. She called to patient services to see if they were ready. They weren’t.
At 8:30, I went down to patient services. They told me I would have to call the travel office. I called the travel office, but instead got an outside company who didn’t know what procedure for picking up tickets was. And because of that she needed to call someone.
Fortunately the ladies at the window saw me waiting and called the travel office directly. The woman who came out to give me the tickets was a little grossed out by me. Oh well. She gave me the tickets, explained what I needed to do, and I headed back to Jesse.
We still have 45 minutes before the taxi would arrive. Jesse actually was hungry and ate a bowl of yogurt and cereal. At 9:45am on my phone, there was no taxi. I called the taxi company. The dispatcher says to me, “Oh you wanted a taxi at 9:45am. I’ll send one at that time or are you ready now?” Let’s see I called the night before from the Grizzlies house (which she obviously knew because she knew where I was even though I was on my cell phone) and asked for a cab at 9:45am on Friday morning. The time is now 9:48am, yes I want the taxi now. So glad I called for that in advance of the real time I needed it.
The driver who picked us up had a guy riding with him whose job was to put luggage in the van. The driver himself was large to the point where I am sure he isn’t able to move. It’s really sad because he is an extremely nice guy. He complimented Jesse on her speech and grammar use. His phone rang while we were going down the road. We did weave a little on the interstate while he answered it. For the rest of the ride he complained to this friend on the phone about how the ice kept them off the road for two days.
At the Delta outside counter, a very nice man helped us get checked in. Then we headed to security. I am sure that TSA sees a lot, but good grief… they need a course in friendliness. The woman got really angry about the box of labs I was carrying. Sorry for holding up the line, but quite frankly I am moving as fast as I can.
Once Jesse and I got situated, we found our gate and got a little snack for Jesse. I checked in with the desk to get our assigned seats. While we were waiting, the clerks began announcing they needed 8 to 10 people to take a later flight. They would give them a $400 voucher. I overheard several people say they’d rather wait to see if the price went up.
At 11:30am, we began boarding. Jesse and I ended up at the back of the plane with no window. She did great with take-off, but unfortunately as we descended into Atlanta, her stomach got the better of her. Thankfully her dad had reminded me to pack blue throw-up bags for her. I gave her some Ativan, and she slept through the landing.
In Atlanta, we were supposed to have been met with a wheelchair and escort. Didn’t see anyone. I asked the attendant where A concourse was at and then had a slight panic attack over her reply. “Down the escalators to the tram.” Tram! I have 30 minutes before the flight boards and I am on the T concourse. Luckily it wasn’t as bad as I thought
I was concerned at the escalators that Jesse would freak about riding down them. Good ol’ Ativan. She thought that was fun to ride down on my shoulders. In the tram I was concerned again, but Jesse said weee when the tram started. Luckily A concourse was one over from T. And by 3:10 we were at our gate. And by 3:45pm we were in the air.
The flight to Richmond is when Jesse’s diarrhea from the irinitecan tried to kick in. We luckily made it to the bathroom twice without accidents. The gentleman in the row with us was very nice. He makes buttons in Minnesota. He offered to make us some buttons. I appreciate his offer.
As we were getting off in Richmond, a man a seat in front of us complimented Jesse on how well behaved she was for the flight. I wasn’t thinking at the time, but I should have replied with “Well yes, it’s all thanks to drugs.” I think he thought she was younger than she really is and was expecting her to be screaming.
I did notice something yesterday as we traveled. People kept looking at her, but they all smiled. It wasn’t a look of feeling sorry for her, but a look of joy to see her. And she traveled yesterday without her hat. I had it with me, but she gave it to me in the airport, and didn’t ask for it back. Many people spoke to her, and she answered them back.
Mike and Chris were waiting for us at the end of secure area. It was so good to see them. Once we collected our suitcase, we hoped in the truck and headed down 64 to Williamsburg. As we were driving, Mike suddenly noticed the fading of a rainbow. It was so good to see that rainbow. So good to be back in VA.
At the house, Maggie, Melinda, Emileigh, and Landan were waiting to greet us. Maggie was so excited, and I am sure that this has been the most confusing for her. I’m at my desk now, and she is laying in her chair keeping an eye on me.
The kids were so excited. They ran back to help Jesse open her Christmas presents that have been waiting since December. Sorry I have no idea what she got. It was over in 5 minutes. I did have to pull her away from everyone to change her claves and give her her shots. Once again she didn’t even scream. The kids all masked up and watched with fascination as I did what needed to be done.
Mike zonked around 10pm and the kids weren’t far behind. Mike and Chris need us home too because he hasn’t been sleeping well since we’ve been gone. It feels so good to be back on my internet. And yes, I did kiss the driveway last night.
Day 83
We all were awake by 7:30am. Landan was looking for Jesse. Mike made us a great breakfast. Then we hung out for a bit. Melinda, Emileigh, and Landan headed home around 11. Jesse wanted to be outside, and visit some family. We dropped in at Nancy and Robert’s to see them and Bella. Thanks for the cookies Nancy. Jesse loved hers (And I ate one too… broke my no chocolate for lent and I am going to itch later, but they were great!). Mike and Chris loved them too
Then we went down to see Meme and Papa. Afterwards we waved at Aunt Phyllis from the driveway. We tried to go to Bath and Body Works, but Jesse fell asleep from sitting in the truck. We did go in Bath and Body Works, but didn’t stay long.
Mike and Jesse came back to the house while Chris and I went to the store. I have been craving frozen grapes. Yum better than candy! Jesse slept for about 3 hours. She is feeling a lot better and asking for Landan.
My pleasure
I tried to find gluten free mixes but didn’t have any luck at farm fresh. It was great to see you guys!
Happy for you!!!