CVL Misbehavior

Well Jesse’s CVL is just like her. Ornery!

For the last two days when I have flushed it and drawn back (mainly out of habit now) it has shot blood out at me. Currently thought the plan is to see our oncologist on Friday, and then decide if she needs to have it replaced.

This morning the girls and I all got a very special treat. (I don’t know if they will let me share the picture, but I will if they do)

CHKD very kindly asked if we’d make a radio spot for 94.9 The Point’s CHKD Radiothon. Chris even got to come along. She was pretty excited. But my how little kids get bored quick, and they were all over the radio station. The DJ, Woo-Woo, was super nice about it. I really hope that Chris didn’t contribute to their computer difficulties.

She did ask me about Mike’s and mine relationship. I goofed that one up. I told her as you well know you never have kids to save a marriage, which we never did anyway. I should have gone with I leave the mushy stuff up to Mike. I don’t really see a difference in our relationship. We’ve always been pretty close. I married my best friend. We do enjoy the time we have together more because of hospital stays separating us.

I’m not just not good with emotions. I have a tendency to want to run from them, except anger… that one seems to be easy to get to and handle… I really don’t think that’s a good sign. Sometimes I think that dealing with Jesse’s medical care is making me afraid to cry or show too much emotion for fear of upsetting the girls and Mike. And I want to stay as positive and upbeat as I can.

They also got to meet a DJ from Z104, Nick.  We had a really good time, and the girls loved the experience. I’m thinking that as much as Chris talks, broadcasting might be a good venue for her.

It dawned on me on the way home I forgot to mention the nurses in PACU and PICU. Dang IT! So many people to thank, and no way to adequately ever say thank you. 🙁

Traffic was great going both ways. Really surprised me.

A few more days of Accutane and we get 2 weeks off! Jesse’s skin is peeling again even though I am dousing her in Aquaphor and lotion (her aunt is even helping with the dousing).  Plus I am noticing the attitude change again. I am not sure if she isn’t sleeping well at night or the Accutane is starting to affect her mood. 4 more rounds of Accutane after this, 3 more rounds of the Antibody, and then praying hard her body fights the last of those bad cells out of there.

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