Mike and I laughed so hard tonight at Jesse’s fortune cookie:
“Today you should be a passenger. Stay close to a driver for a day.”
As I type this, Jesse is doing just that. There are days that I feel like she has a little internal homing beacon set to “Locate Mom.”
This morning, Jesse and I headed for clinic. Traffic was pretty impressive, and added an hour to our trip.
Mike stayed here to get Chris on the bus for her first day riding the bus. Chris’ fortune cookie tonight said, “Courage conquers all things ; it even gives strength to the body.” Very appropriate for her first day at Norge. Mike called me at clinic to report Chris had bounded happily onto the bus and wasn’t upset to leave him. Mike on the other hand was glad he had his sunglasses.
At clinic, Jesse played with a friend who is the same age. The girls set next to each other laughing for a little bit, and then they were off.
Jesse also showed off her new skirt her dad bought her. When we have inpatient stays, he can’t stand being at home without me. So he goes out for some retail therapy. I am so glad we are done with inpatient stays. Please Lord let it stay that way! I don’t know how much retail therapy I could stand. Luckily he only buys 1 new article of clothing for each of them.
I had expected Jesse to need blood because when she was discharged on Friday her level was 7.9. But she had increased to 8.9 by today. Yeah! Guess packing lunch and expecting to have a transfusion paid off in not having one
After her other labs came back, they cleared her to begin her Accutane. So by next week we should have the Accutane rage replacing the coming off of antibody rage.
This weekend and today, I have had several episodes where I have had to put her in her room and walk away. I know the antibody causes a recipient to have flu like feelings, and we have had those. Strangely they have only really manifested when I ask her to clean up the playroom or take her medicine.
We left clinic by 11am. And I was able to get back to the house to meet Chris when she got off the bus. I asked her what they did at school today. She tells me the play stuff and her dad the educational stuff. She has always been closer with Mike. He tells me all the time this will change as she gets older, but I don’t know. She needs a lot of patience… and mine is pretty tapped lately.
I would say that I am going to go to bed, but I have two people in this house who would never leave me alone until after 9pm (their bed time is 8:30pm). And even then… I get the Mom! yells. Oh I can’t wait for them to be teenagers… Yes I will be the mom vacuuming at 7:30am.