Kidney Test

Right now I am so angry from driving home it’s not even funny. It took us 2 hours to get through the HRB Tunnel. The other option tunnel was backed up 13 miles. In Newport News, some lady tried to annihilate us on our way home tonight, then has the nerve to glare at me. Really? At Jefferson, two cars decided to park in driving lanes. Luckily I was quick enough to sail around them.  Then some one was driving under the speed limit prior to our exit. I am so glad that they haven’t been sitting in traffic for 3 hours and didn’t have a kid that has nothing to eat for almost 24 hours, who was screaming that she had to pee. So I was bad and went around them and got off. My patience is totally zapped at this point. And yes I am embarrassed that I allowed myself to get to get so frustrated, which is even more frustrating. One day I will not let the interstate get to me…

The day started out great even with Jesse not being able to eat breakfast or lunch.

At 7:30am, I heard this little voice pronounce from her bedroom, “Yeah I am going to the hospital!” Immediately she wanted to leave. I had to explain that we couldn’t because we needed to put her sister on the bus.

Poor Jesse had to watch Chris eat breakfast (I had to feed her before I sent her to school) without asking for food once. It amazes me the patience she has when she knows she can’t eat due to a procedure.

We headed out around 10am, making a stop at Running etc in Ghent. I have been dealing with shin splints lately. What an awesome place! Everyone was extremely friendly to Jesse. And it turns out that we missed her clinic nurse by seconds, and she got to see one of the nurses from 8B.

The gentlemen that helped me was great and gave me some exercises to try building up my shin muscles. I really appreciate his time and honesty. And when I need new shoes I think I wait until I am going to CHKD to stop in.

Jesse and I left Running Etc and headed to CHKD. We decided to swing by and visit our friends on 8B. Jesse had a blast walking around lifting her shirt and announcing, “No Tubies!”

Then we headed down to radiology to check in for Jesse’s kidney test. The minute we hit the door, Jesse kept asking if it was her turn. She was very ready to have her picture taken even with me explaining they were going to have to stick her for an IV.

While we were waiting they took Jesse’s weight: 12.3kg. She is eating I swear! At this rate will be taking peractin for another year to try and increase her appetite, which I thought was pretty healthy…

She did scream when they inserted the IV, but didn’t move or jerk away. And the lady that put it in was fantastic! She got it in on the first try. (I greatly appreciate that they didn’t call the VAT Team.) We did have extra hands just in case because was the first time sedation every had to insert an IV for her. The lady told me later that she really didn’t want to have to stick Jesse, but as I had told Jesse: “This is what has to be done.”

Because Jesse was very brave while they inserted the IV, sedation gave her a white dress up dress. They even let her wear it to take her picture in.

Around 2pm, they gave Jesse precedex so she would sleep. (It took 91mmgs over an hour for them to complete the test).

The test Jesse had involved putting nuclear medicine in the IV, then watching with a special camera how her kidneys filled and emptied. Of course this meant a catheter at the other end.  And we have had some screaming while using the bathroom tonight.

The main concern was the left kidney. This kidney was the one which the tumor was choking, and the one to signal us Jesse was having trouble pre cancer diagnosis. Due to this experience, the left kidney is still misshapen and there is concern of how it is functioning. Today’s test will give us an idea.

The nurse told me at 3:17pm the precedex was turned off. But due to the amount she received it was 4pm before Jesse woke up. Of course she woke up screaming that she wanted to have her picture taken, and it took some conveniencing  on my part that it was already done.

My favorite sedation doctor (and I don’t mean that sarcastically at all, I absolutely love it when this lady is working. She is the head of the ER, and the best doctor I have met outside of Hemoc/ Oncology clinic.) told me that she really thinks Jesse could have done that test awake if the catheter was not involved. She also told me that when we have Jesse’s CT scan to request no sedation. She really feels that Jesse can do it. So when Jesse has her scans, I am going to try it. I really hope she is there.

At 4:30pm, Jesse and I headed out to begin the fun of trying to get home… it only took 2 hours longer than normal 🙂

I do not know the results of the test at this point. I am a little concerned because the technician asked me if Jesse had every had kidney surgery, which she has not. But her question might have been due to wanting to know why we were doing the test, and it was easier to ask me than to wade through Jesse’s huge chart. (I am okay with that. Anything I can do to make their jobs easier and more efficient is fine with me 🙂 )

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