Looks Like Jesse’s ABC’s Are Up To Me

Heaven help her and me. I need to learn some patience anyway. ( And I am so bummed because I really wanted Jesse to get to have time with Mrs Trish and Mrs Jeannie)

When we were in clinic yesterday, the nurse mentioned that her immunizations where no longer up to date because she had a stem cell transplant. I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time, but when I told Mike his first question was will she have to be inoculated for everything again. So I called the clinic to find out.

Yes she will have to be inoculated for everything again next April. Why a year? Too soon will cause her to become sick from the immunizations. If we gave her the MMR shot too soon after the 100 days, then she will probably get measles, mumps, or rubella.

When I asked her nurse about going to preschool since I had signed her up, she told me she would check with the doctor. She did say she didn’t think it would be possible just for safety sake. Plus her immunizations won’t be up-to-date… so I can’t see sending her anyway. The risk is just too great, but her doctor might have a different opinion.

I don’t want Jesse to fall behind in knowing her numbers, colors, letters, and how to write her name… plus the socialization of being with the other kids. Luckily she has her big sister, and other kids we are friends with.

But then it also raises the question… when her 100 days ends… does it really? I don’t feel comfortable taking her to large public places without having immunizations to protect her. Also it’s a little aggravating because all those months of breastfeeding to build up her immune system… gone.

And I am being selfish because I was really looking forward to having at least 3 mornings a week to myself to get work done… maybe even workout. It’s not easy for me to ask someone to watch the girls if I am going to have fun.  Being selfish is just one of those feelings I will have to overcome… and we will settle into our own routine.  Sometimes my head wants to explode with thinking about how much Jesse and Christine have had to endure at a young age. And sometimes I get so frustrated with them over arguing for no reason… but they are kids and that is what they do.

Update: Jesse’s nurse called this afternoon.  Her doctor is ok with her going to school, but because the last phase of her treatment will last through December she won’t really be at school.  Then when she can go in January, she won’t have any inoculations as protection against the flu.  I am thinking at this point in time I would rather keep her home until she can have her shots. But as with everything cancer… all is subject to change… and there is no real ability to plan ahead.

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