This Is Bad

Is the first thing that the urologist said to me as she walked in the room after keeping Jesse and I waiting an hour and half. By the end of our 30 minutes with her I felt the same as the day Jesse was diagnosed. Our day started great. Jesse and I were invited to […]

Catching Up

Saturday morning I woke up and decided I was over diapers. When I first told Jesse last Saturday that her diaper days were over, she pitched a fit. Her diaper had become her security blanket in a strange way. But I stuck to my guns. She has had a few accidents this week, but transitioning […]

Jesse’s Future After Treatment Has Ended

Today we celebrate the end of Jesse’s treatment in clinic with her receiving a medal from the Baltimore Half Marathon (thank you, a “Way To Go!” balloon, and a t-shirts signed by every one.  “Wow that’s awesome!” most people will think, and yes it is, but its not over. Jesse is not completely 100% […]