Day 23 at St Jude

We woke up to the news this morning that Jesse’s ANC was at 700. Woo-hoo! Now we need to get to 2000 to stop the GM-CSF shot. When we stop that shot, it might cause her ANC to drop again, but that will give her a little break between rounds. The judgmental resident was back […]

Day 20 at St Jude

Around 10pm last night, something clicked inside Jesse. She wanted to play and was wide awake. Plus she was hungry. We face timed with family in North Carolina around 1am. A little after that Jesse was ready to lay down. She has been trying to avoid spending time in that bed, and I don’t blame […]

Day 19 at St Jude

Last night Jesse started the “Ethel” ethanol study. For her white line .5ml of fluid was put in her lumin and left for 2 hours. To make sure Jesse was ok, her vitals were taken ever 30 minutes. After 2 hours, the fluid was removed. New fluid (.6ml because the red lumin is larger in […]